Topsham Flower and Vegetable Show

Flower and Vegetable Show exhibits


The Annual Topsham Flower and Vegetable Show is a friendly competition in garden and kitchen produce and also garden-related photography and poetry.

It is for anyone living in Topsham and the surrounding area, including members of TAGS and the Topsham Flower Club, all allotment holders and gardeners. We are particularly keen for children to take part.

We also aim to:

  • To raise funds through sales of produce, a raffle and the sale of tea & cakes to cover the costs of running the Show.
  • To promote the purpose of the Society by advertising the benefits of membership and recruiting of new members.
  • To be an enjoyable event for the contestants, show volunteers and members of the general public.

The first Show was held in 1967 and has evolved to include about 70 Classes, mostly vegetables, fruit and flowers, but including kitchen produce which we are trying to encourage. It also includes a very popular Photography Competition. 2024 will see the introduction of a new poetry class and 3 classes specifically for children.

The Show is open to the public between 2 and 4pm. During that time there is a Raffle, a stall where you can buy local produce, and a marquee where tea & cake is served. You’re welcome to attend the prize giving at the end - it is a lovely community event!

2024 SHOW

The next Show will be held on Sunday 18th August 2024.

TAGS Show 2024 - Programme
TAGS Show 2024 - Entry Form
TAGS Show 2024 - Poster pdf
TAGS Show 2024 - Poster jpg

Entry Forms to be delivered to Topsham Bookshop (27 Fore Street) or Nancy Potter House (Nelson Close) by 4.30pm on Wednesday 14th August 2024
Entries for the photography and poetry competitions to be submitted by midnight on Sunday 28th July 2024
See Show Programme for full rules and submission details.

Show timings

8.30 to 10.00am Exhibits to be brought to Matthews Hall and set out
10.30am to 2.00pm Judging of exhibits, no admission to Matthews Hall for exhibitors or the public
2.00 to 4.00pm Show open to the public, free admission!
4.00 to 4.15 Removal of exhibits, the produce stall remains open

Show visitors...

PREVIOUS SHOW - August 2023


Cup and trophy winners for 2023:

  • The Leger Cup for Best Tomatoes: D & D Hayes
  • Goblet for Best Potatoes: D & D Hayes
  • The Burrows Cup for Best Beans: Maddy Jevon
  • The Stephenson Cup for Best Onions: John Fiddes
  • The McLarin Trophy for Best Cucurbits:  Lesley Vining
  • The Van Oppen Cup for Best in Vegetable Classes: Ralph and Mo Hare 
  • The Thompson Cup for Best Dahlia: Rosie Cobley
  • The Parsons Cup for Best Rose: Jo Paulett
  • The Heptinstall Cup for Best Pot Plant: Christine Harrison
  • The Daphne Burdick Cup for Best in Flower Arrangement: Linda Wilkerson                                                             
  • The Bragg Cup for Best in Preserves: Verity May     
  • Best in Baking: D & D Hayes
  • The Thomas Salver for Best in Fruit Classes: David and Stella McLarin
  • The Vernon Cup for Best in Flowers: Christine Harrison
  • The Marjorie McLarin Trophy for Best in Photography Classes: Kate Halliday
  • The Association Cup for Champion of the Show: David  and Stella McLarin

TAGS Show 2023 Photography Competition

Best in Photography and winner of the Marjorie McLarin Trophy:  Kate Halliday (22)

Garden View:

  • First prize - John Bryant
  • Second prize - Carol Dant 
  • Third prize - Mary Lambert
  • Highly Commended - Angela Daveney
  • Highly Commended - Beth  Daw
  • Highly Commended - Sue Owen

Plant Portrait:

  • First prize - Kate Halliday 
  • Second prize - Sally Ewings 
  • Third prize - Alison Palmer 
  • Highly Commended - Rhona Hope 
  • Highly Commended - Mary Morris 
  • Highly Commended - Anthony Taylor

To the Woods:

  • First prize - David and Stella McLarin 
  • Second prize - Sally Ewings
  • Third prize - Beth Daw 
  • Highly Commended - Kate Halliday 
  • Highly Commended - Penny Wolujewicz 
  • Highly Commended - Penny Wolujewicz 

Judges Choice - Mary Lambert

A full list of the Show Results can be seen in the links below:

TAGS Show August 2023 - Best in Show Results

TAGS Show August 2023 - Competitor Overall Category Results

TAGS Show August 2023 - Competitor Show Results

TAGS annual show 2023 Judges feedback


General – overall very good quality show.  Entrants should check the schedule carefully regarding sizes and numbers. It is frustrating not to be able to award prizes for good quality produce which does not meet the schedule.

Potatoes – the quality would be improved if they were grown in a controlled growing medium -  correct pH level and fertiliser. It’s worth concentrating on potatoes for the show. If you just put them in the soil and hope for the best you may get some good ones but you may not. Potatoes should be washed off with a soft sponge after soaking in water. You can add a drop of washing up liquid. Tried to avoid washing off /scraping off the skin.

Several runner bean entries did not have stalks. Some fruits did not have stalks. Again read the schedule

Onions -  the correct string was used but the appearance is better if the tops are whipped with string rather than just tied.

Carrots were rather poor this year. Again it’s important to concentrate on good conditions and growth for the show. Carrots grow well in the greenhouse where you will be watching them regularly.

Flowers, foliage and pot plants

Dahlias - in general these were very good but were spoiled by presentation. Uniformity is important in height for example. The container is also important. Some exhibits were too cramped and the flowers did not look good as a result.

Flower arranging -  in general were very good entries and good use of plant material.

Mix perennials again some were too cramped to show off the flowers effectively

Roses. Generally very good and of a high standard. One had been eaten in the centre and the leaf eaten as well; it was not suitable for the show bunch.

Containers are important. An old biscuit tin with a plastic pot inside does not look good on the show bench. In general jam jars do not look good as containers though quality can override poor presentation.

Cacti with stones around in a desert looked very good.


Helpful to have a list of main ingredients to help with tasting. Type of bread would also be helpful.

Chutneys should be stored for at least 3 months before presentation otherwise they just taste of vinegar.